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History of DPR Nepal

Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation Nepal (DPR Nepal) is brain child concept of Dr Ghimire and Dr Aryal founding chairman and treasurer of DPR Nepal.
After passing his medical studies Dr Ghimire was posted to District Hospital of Dailekh a remote district in western Nepal where he became familiar with the rural community and their lifestyle. He saw people with impairments and deformities most of the conditions and diseases were neglected, leading to miserable lives which could have been treated easily or could be corrected with accessibility to surgery, suitable prosthesis and orthosis. The main issue was lack of guidance for treatment and definitely the economic fragility.

Later as Orthopedic resident he saw many patients with treatable conditions which were neglected mainly due to financial issues. He saw many patients lose their limb due to trauma and other conditions and encounter problems with accessibility of prosthesis during the rehabilitation phase as the prosthesis are expensive and way beyond their budget.

Encountering these problems he thought of a social organization which will help needy people in treatment of condition, prevention of disability and provision of suitable prosthesis and orthosis.

Dr Aryal worked in pediatric emergency in Tribhuvan Univerity teaching Hospital where she encountered many pediatric disabilities like club foot, DDH in late stage and other congenital deformities from different parts of the country.

In 2022 a team led by Dr Ghimire consisting of 5 doctors a social, non profitable organization was founded under the law of Nepal. This organization initially aims to conduct camps, screen cases, plan management and provide treatment to needy with technical support with government and private partners. Also DPR Nepal aims to provide orthosis and prosthesis to people in need.

In long term this organization aims to establish its own hospital in Butwal Rupanedhi in Western Nepal which will work in the treatment and rehabilation of people with physical disabilities.

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Message from the Chairman